Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Minnesota Nice

As I've stated before sometimes I get homesick. Paul is excellent at making me feel right at home here in Oz. We keep ourselves pretty busy. Most afternoons after work we go for a jog or a bike ride. On our 'cheat' days we'll go out for a coffee date. Sundays are reserved for the farmers market with the Dempsey clan. I've just recently started knitting too, thanks to Paul's Mum for teaching me. Knitting has become somewhat of an addiction. I've been knitting every day for the past week or so.
But every once in a while I feel like I need to show my Minnesota pride.

 In those times of weakness I make treats with my Minnesota cookie cutter;
purchased at i like you in Northeast Mpls.

Minnesota sugar cookies!

Minnesota pancakes!

I also like to wear my Grain Belt Twin Cities hoodie from Fifth Element in Uptown, Minneapolis.
Winter is coming. We've had to start bringing our umbrella with most days.

Coffee date with my better half.

We've got another month or so in Perth. After our weekend in Melbourne I'm starting to miss it a bit. I'm hoping we'll find some time to do a bit more exploring in Melbourne while we're home. Then we'll be heading back to our other home in about six weeks. Paul was looking at our flight information just yesterday. He noticed a count down till we take off, only 58 more days. Time seems to fly by. You never realize just how quickly life goes until you become an adult. I have no doubt our trip to Minnesota will creep up on us before we're ready for it! 

In other news: Today I slayed a cock roach. This is the second cock roach sighting in under a week. Aussies aren't phased by their presence. But I almost jumped ten feet when I saw one again today. Here's hoping I start to get over that fear!

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