Monday, April 15, 2013

DIY! Monday

Now that I'm a stay at home girlfriend I've got a lot more time on my hands. I'm on Pinterest pretty often. There are so many amazing at home ideas for hair/skin remedies. I never liked spending exorbitant amounts of money on brand name creams and the like. I've now given a fair few of these diy things a test. I use bi-carbonate soda or baking soda as a face cleanser. I also use it as a jewellery cleaner, and teeth whitener, and a hair clarifier. I figured I'll just share a few here and there on the ol' blog with different products. Today is...

Bi-carbonate/Baking Soda

Facial Cleanser/Mask:
-1 tblsp of bicarb soda
-Roughly 1/4 tsp of water
-Pour the bicarb soda into hand, lightly add water until bicarb soda becomes a light paste.
-Massage the face onto freshly cleansed skin
-Leave mixture on for 30 seconds or 1 minute.
-Rinse off with cool water.

I pour about a tablespoon into my hand, sprinkle some water on it until it becomes a light past and massage into my problem areas. I leave it on for thirty seconds or so, and rinse. This has really cleared my skin up. A lot of pinners state that it minimizes pores, I haven't seen that. But it definitely helps clear up break outs. Sometimes when Paul is broken out or has a bit of razor burn I convince him to use it too. He's a bit of a baby though & says it stings. It stings a bit, but with regular use the stinging basically goes away.


What it looks like as a paste.

On Le face. I don't usually put any on my forehead, unless it's broken out. That's luckily, the one place I don't generally break out. Don't mind the hair. I've got a hair mask on too.

Teeth Whitener:
-1 fresh lemon
-1 tbsp bicarb soda
-1 toothbrush other than your daily used toothbrush.
-Pour bicarb soda onto plate/bowl.
-Take fresh lemon and squirt a few drops onto bicarb soda.

About a tablespoon of bicarb soda onto a plate/bowl then squeeze fresh lemon juice on top. Just a few drops until the soda starts to bubble. Once it's finished bubbling use a toothbrush to mix it into a paste. Then brush your teeth as you would with the paste, rinse and repeat. But only once a week. I think this has helped. I used to buy expensive teeth whiteners, but I feel much more comfortable using natural remedies for a fraction of the cost.

Jewellery Cleaner:
-1 tbsp bicarb soda
-1 tbsp salt
-1.5/2 tbsp dish soap
-1 cup boiling water
-1 bowl
-Aluminium Foil

In a bowl with a sheet of tinfoil I poured a cup of boiling water, onto a tbsp of bicarb soda, salt, and dish soap. I then placed the jewlery into the mixture, and watched it bubble a bit. This jewellery was looking pretty sad. The mixture definitely helped. I haven't worn any of my Tiffany jewellery for a few years, because it's just been too dirty. But now I've been able to start wearing it again!

Note: The reflection on the bottom heart is actually my phone case...not the silver itself.

Hair Clarifier:
-1.5 tbsp bicarb soda
-About 3 tbsp shampoo
-A bowl

I put the bicarb soda into a bowl, then added about 3 tablespoons of shampoo. I've been having a lot of issues with my hair holding curls lately. I've literally never had this issue before. I never even used to use hair spray. Now all the hair spray in the world won't hold a curl, and I love to curl my hair. So I've been hoping to find a solution. I'm not sure if my hair is just finally so healthy that it won't hold a curl, or if it's something else. I figured I'd give this hair clarifier a chance. Many reviews on line state that product begins to build up in your hair over time. One way to clean all this product out it to add bicarb soda to your shampoo. So that's what I did. It ended up with the scent of a hair toner. The smell itself gave me hope that it would actually work. I let my hair dry and got right onto curling it!

I must say I'm quite happy with the results! I did start with a hair mask of coconut oil (more on that in another blog). So my hair should have been softer. But even with the hair masks I've been doing lately my hair hasn't been this soft. So far so good with the curls. By now they would have already fallen & the haven't yet. Yayyyyy!!!! Looks like another Pinterest winner to me!

I also like to drop about a tbsp of baking soda into the toilet every now and again. It serves as an odor absorbant as well as a cheap/chemical free cleaner.

We had a nice little weekend. Unfortunately, Paul had to work on Saturday. But as soon as he got home we decided to get out of the houe. We took a nice coastal drive to Sorrento for some new views and us time. I can't lie, my coffee tasted more like hot cocoa than a mocha, but we still had a good day! I may have to start drinking cappuccino's. I like the taste of coffee & my usual mochas here are getting a bit old. I don't even drink coffee in the morning anymore. Living in a hotel with the only coffee option being: instant or spending $6 at a cafe, made it pretty easy to move it out of my routine. I now drink a black tea every morning with honey to add some sweetness. I'm addicted! 

There was even a wedding there (taking photos) off in the distance to the right. 

Until next time, folks! I'm waiting for my main squeeze to return from work. We're due for a long avoided jog!

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