Wednesday, September 10, 2014

OQ//Bradmill Factory

Paul and I have the pleasure of personally knowing several very talented musicians. My brother and his close friends have been playing music together since they were pre-teens.

Two of his best friends, Tarik and Seth are two parts of a three part band, Oliver Quincy.
I am lucky to consider these cuties family. They have and always will be like brothers to me.

Unfortunately, we have yet to see them live. But we do have the pleasure of enjoying their music from across the pond. Thanks to my Dad for the gift of an OQ cd and two OQ shirts for both P and I. We can now both show off our OQ pride down under.

A few weeks back we took a bike ride to the old Bradmill Factory. It's set to be tore down at some stage in the not too far future. I was really hoping to take some photos there before it was gone. Our new shirts gave us the perfect excuse to go check out some graf and take some photos for the boys.

Any True Detective fans out there?


We may have gotten a touch carried away with the photos. But how could we not?! The only thing I would change were the copious amounts of pigeon poop. Apart from that it was amazing. I'm far less adventurous than my little brother when it comes to exploring abandoned buildings. But this one was very easy to get around in, and it was HUGE! So much to look at. We could have only seen a quarter of what is actually there. 

Melbourne has a fair bit of graffiti. Some is of the street art variety, others considered more graffiti, and the rest is from little shit heads spray painting anything for any reason. I like the first two. The last pisses me off. Our garage has already been tagged by some terrible attempt at graf. I have the utmost respect for art, and what graffiti can be. But I must admit I'm really pissed off that some little shit spray painted my garage with something ugly and pointless.  Here's hoping it's a little while before someone else spray paints our brand new bricks. End rant. With that I bid you adieu.